Giants and Bridges

Kat - 

I worked primarily on the bridges appearing and disappearing as well as the giant being able to follow the player through the scene once they reach the final island. The bridges had to be reworked a few times, but in the end they're game objects to a gate collider that if the player has enough rocks collected, and is pressing the 'p' key, they'll be set to active and the player can walk across them to the next gate. If the player doesn't have enough, they're prompted to collect more rocks, and cannot activate the bridges. The giant waits until the player is on the island with them before chasing after them, and the player has 30 seconds to try to get back across the bridges and around obstacles to their home where their wife awaits them. If the player is caught by the giant, they are transported back into the first scene, and if they get all the way to the end, they get to see the ending of the story play out. 

I would add an image of my code here, but all the code is mixed up now, and it would be unfair to take someone else's code as my own. So instead, here's the test scene I worked in when creating the Giant and Timer scripts, with the house being at the far left end and the giant being at the far right end. Once the player gets close enough to the Giant, the Timer appears on screen and the player has to rush back to the other side and get to the house without getting caught by the giant.

In a way, it is literally timed travel, which plays into the overall theme of this prototype (Time Travel).

Get Storybook Library: Giant's Causeway

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